Here is an article in PC magazine 2007 that rated Mac OSX Leopard – as being “better than Windows Vista for most consumers” Incidentally I bought mine from Dixons Tax free at the airport, which was the cheapest place I could find even compared to US pricing. I was so frustrated with all the problems with my PC’s that I decided to buy an Apple Laptop to try out the Mac again in 2007. I used PC’s on Windows 2000 and then XP but I then had so many problems with hardware incompatibilities, I updated the firmware on a motherboard and it then refused to work at all, inability to get support from the motherboard manufacturer drove me in the direction of Apple as they at least support the whole system. The Apple hardware was based on PowerPC chips in the early and mid 2000′ was very slow compared to PC’s of the time. I used Macs up till Windows 2000 – which was far better than Mac OS9 eg, it included multi-tasking, in those days if one application crashed the whole Mac would crash too. I am now a CIO of a major company – all PC’s no Macs. Just to introduce myself, I have been a user of Photoshop for 20 years, used to teach it as part of a consultancy job I had at the beginning of my career, then on Macs. I have lost count of the number of PC’s and Mac’s I have used over the years for photo editing, and the choice of which one and my recommendation to others has changed over the years.